Changing Policies, Saving Lives

Gun violence is an epidemic in America, and complex issues call for comprehensive solutions. We’re calling on Congress to pass our lifesaving policy priorities to fix our nation’s weak gun laws and end gun violence in our communities.

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Microstamping technology imprints unique markings onto bullet casings, allowing detectives to solve crimes by connecting the casings to the firearm that fired them. Currently, law enforcement firearms are exempt despite this technology being required by law in California. The bill AB 876 would extend this to law enforcement’s firearms, enhancing accountability and saving lives. Learn more about microstamping and why it is important to pass AB 876.

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What are



Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought and built without a background check. This means they can be purchased by anyone, including prohibited purchasers, domestic abusers, and gun traffickers, undermining the lifesaving policies put in place to make sure guns don’t fall into the wrong hands. Learn more about what ghost guns are and why it is important to proactively prevent them from becoming more prevalent.


Expand Brady Background

Under the leadership of Sen. McConnell, the Senate failed to expand and strengthen Brady Background checks in 2019. But now, with Sen. McConnell out of the way, we have a fighting chance to expand background checks to all gun sales. Join Team ENOUGH and tell Congress: Take immediate action to expand and strengthen Brady Background Checks, including closing the deadly “Charleston loophole.”


ban Assault
Weapons &

Weapons of war are lethal. Time and again, they’ve been used to kill as many people as quickly as possible. And high-capacity magazines further assault weapons’ lethality. It’s time ban these weapons of war so our schools and communities are safe from senseless gun violence.


pass Extreme
Risk Laws

Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) help prevent a person in crisis from harming themselves or others by temporarily removing guns and prohibiting the purchase of firearms. Learn more about how Congress can help implement ERPOs across the country.

Team enough lobbying collective

Ready to make your voice heard in the halls of power? Check out Team ENOUGH’s Lobbying Collective. We're the only national youth-led lobbying group for gun reform.